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"There's nothing like getting together with my besties and having a fun night in. Annamarie prepared delicious hors d'oeuvres and wine pairings. It was such a great night!"
~Maria P.
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Annamarie Stedjan
Jun 19, 20235 min read
Dishing Up Delicious; Summer Sides That Satisfy
Simple Summer sides chockfull of flavor and freshness, guaranteed to brighten up your barbecue spread or outdoor dinner with friends and...

Annamarie Stedjan
Sep 6, 20213 min read
Tomatoes All Day!
It's the start of September and while most of us (myself included) are ready to jump feet-first into apple picking, Fall foliage, PSL's,...

Annamarie Stedjan
Mar 22, 20213 min read
Ain't Nuttin' But A Buffet Baby
There is something about sunshine these days that calls people to emerge from their dwellings. Especially after the year we have all...

Annamarie Stedjan
Nov 20, 20204 min read
What's the Difference Between Baking Soda and Baking Powder Anyway....
So many people ask what's the difference between baking powder and baking soda anyway? Here's the answer...

Annamarie Stedjan
Nov 2, 20205 min read
Soups On! Recipes to Warm You From the Inside Out
How is it November already!?! While I have to say I am glad that Halloween is now over (sorry for all my Halloween peeps out...

Annamarie Stedjan
Oct 2, 20203 min read
Fall into Flavor...
Whether you are a PSL fanatic or an Apple Cinnamon fan you will be enjoying this baked goods this weekend!

Annamarie Stedjan
Sep 10, 20204 min read
Top Tomato Picks: My favorite types and simple recipes to go along with them
Yay! We are full steam ahead into the late summer season and you know what that means?...It's peak tomato season. Backyard gardens are...

Annamarie Stedjan
Aug 9, 20205 min read
All We Need Is A Plan...
Is everyone starting to feel the pressure...or it is just me? These past few days have been an extreme sensory overload of scheduling...

Annamarie Stedjan
Jul 3, 20206 min read
Raise A Glass, Summer's Here At Last; Top Wine Picks You Have To Try This Summer
There's no doubt that most of my friends, family and followers know my love for wine! I love to cook with it, sip it, give it as...

Annamarie Stedjan
Jun 8, 20204 min read
Grillin' It and Grillin' It and Grillin' It Well
Ha! Sorry for the title on this one, but I couldn't help myself. Ever since we have been home, I have been downloading and listening to...

Annamarie Stedjan
May 8, 20204 min read
Finding the Bright Spot: Recipes with Citrus Fruits To Brighten Your Days
How can it be May already? Even with all that's going on, I feel like these past months have just flown by. I am sitting outside right...

Annamarie Stedjan
Apr 28, 20202 min read
Pantry Cooking - Stocked And Ready Go
Ah the pantry! Probably the most stocked thing in my house. I have my spice cabinet (which is probably my favorite), I have a small...

Annamarie Stedjan
Mar 17, 20204 min read
Easy As Pie; Winning Back Your Weeknights With Meals That Are As Easy As They Are Delicious!
Wow! So this past week has been an eye opener for many of us, hasn't it! We were all just plunged into a new space and new routine that...

Annamarie Stedjan
Jan 8, 20203 min read
Welcome to the 20's; A decade of focus and success
A new year, a new decade! I welcome 2020 with open arms and am so excited to share these upcoming offerings with you.
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